Welcome to another fresh and beautiful flower tutorial. These lovely Floralsare certainly brightening up my grey winter days.
I hope you are enjoying this seriesof projects as much as I am.
In a two part lesson, I will show you how I made this lovely Six Petaled Flower. The technique used is a modification of peyote stitch. The lovely cupped petals are all stitched separately and then connected later on to form a lovely beaded bezel for a 12 millimeter Rivoli.
This petal is made using a pattern from Jean Campbell. However, I totally changed the way I made the bezel and I also connected the petals using Square stitch in several places.
This lesson is quite a bit different from the Five Petaled Flowers we have made to date. I hope you enjoy this intermediate tutorial.
Materials and Tools
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This project used quite a few types and colors of beads. I will link the ones I used below, where I can find one of my affiliate links.
I am sorry I don’t have links for everything. I got my rivolis from Beadaholique and the pearls and rondelles came from a jewelry making set I bought from Ebay in 2016.
I used round seed beads and not Delicas. I will be attempting to remake these petals soon without the pearls so stay tuned. But as always you can use any colors and brands you like as long as you stick to the mentioned sizes.
The Set-Up
Begin by ladder stitching two 8/0 beads together. Pass through both beads a few times to secure them. The working thread should exit the bead opposite the one with the tail thread,
Pick up a pearl – B – A – Band drop down to the base. Pass back through the pearl.
Pass back down through the 8/0 below the pearl.
There should be a thread on each side of this bead leading up into the pearl.
Now we will set up for Peyote stitch.
Pick up an A and four B. Pass up through the B at the top of the pearl.
Pick up an B bead and sew through the 8/0 at the top.
Pick up another B and sew down through the 11/0 on this side.
Pick up four B and an A. Sew through the first A on the bottom of the pearl.
Secure the thread by passing the needle through the 8/0 below the bead your exiting.
Get into position by passing through the center 8/0 plus one more.
Pick up two C, skip a B and sew through the next B. Repeat this step once more. Pick up a C, skip a B, and sew through the next B.
Pick up a C – A – C and sew down the B on the other side of the 8/0 bead.
Take two peyote stitches using a single C bead.
Take a peyote stitch using two C beads, and skipping only one. Take another stitch using two C and sewing through all three 8/0’s at the bottom of the pearl.
Step up into the first two C added in this round.
Take a peyote stitch using one C beads, and sewing through two. Take two more stitches using one C and sewing through the single beads sticking out.
Step up into the first two C added in this round. On this round we will add a single C on both sides of the 8/0 again. Pick up a C and sew through the 8/0.
Pick up a C and sew down through the C on this side of the 8/0. We will be repeating this process every other round.
Peyote three single bead stitches, sewing through the two bead sets of the previous round where needed.
Step up by passing through the three 8/0 beads at the bottom.
The remaining rounds are repetitious of the previous ones. By now, the bead work should be starting to cup upwards at the bottom. This is as it should be. Resist the urge to flatten the work.
Peyote two stitches using two D beads and passing through one sticking up on the base.
Position the beads on top of the double bead set from the previous rounds.
Peyote two stitches using one D and passing through one sticking up on the base.
Pick up a D – A – D and sew down the Don the other side of the 8/0 on the base.
Mirror the stitching on this side of the bead work. Take two stitches with a single D and two with 2 D beads.
The last stitch is sewn through the three 8/0 beads on the base as shown.
Step up through the first two beads added in this round.
Go back to peyote with a single D bead, sewing through two beads when you get to the sets from the previous row.
At the top of the bead work, sew a single D through the 8/0 as before.
Add a single D as you sew down through the bead on this side of the 8/0.
Take four more stitches with a single D and sewing through the beads of the previous row sewing through the sets as needed.
At the bottom, with the working thread exiting the last set of two, pick up a D and sew through the 8/0 in the center of the three on the base.
Pick up a D and sew through the set of two of the previous round and step up into the first single bead added in the current round.
Stitch the last two rounds using B beads. Take one stitch using two beads and tweo single bead stitches.
At the top pick up a B – A – B and sew down the 11/0 on the other side.
On this side, take three single bead stitches and two double bead stitches.
The last set of two is sewn through the bead we added when sewing through the center 8/0 on the base.
Pick up a single B and sew through the bead we dadded coming out of the center 8/0 on the base.
Pick up two B and sew through the D bead sticking up on the base and step up into the first set of B’s added in the round.
The last round is a single bead round. Remember to sew through both beads of the sets as needed.
Add a B as you sew through the 8/0 at the top.
To add a tip bead we use square stitch. Pick up another B and sew around and back through the 8/0 once more. The new bead should be positioned on top of the 8/0 horizontally.
Sew back through the B from the same side as your working thread. Then sew back through the 8/0 to finish out the row.
Add a B as you sew down through the D on this side of the 8/0 before continuing on with the peyote.
At the bottom, pick up a B and sew through the B in the center as shown here.
Pick up a B and sew through the first set of the previous round.
At the bottom, pick up a B and sew through the last set of two on the base.
Weave the working thread on the diagonal and reversing the direction back to the center 8/0 on the bottom of the base. Remember to sew through two when you read the sets.
Pass back through the bottom 8/0 and tie two overhand knots with the tail thread. Weve back up a few beads and end both threads.
Repeat the process for a total of six petals.
I hope you have enjoyed this lesson so far and I’ll see you in the next post where I will walk you through the construction of the flower and the addition of the rivoli.