Happy Creativity Day!

Have a wonderful day……
Design ~ Create ~ Shine
Have a wonderful day……
The Best Mother’s Day Ever This Mother’s Day started out earlier than most for me. I was leaving for a 2 week stay at my Daughter’s on the 8th. My wonderful Son and Daughter-in-law brought my sweet grandson over to visit before I left and I was so surprised by the lovely gifts they brought […]
Sorry for my Absence…… I haven’t been very active for the last few weeks and I have really missed you all. My not so silly back has been flared up almost constantly and that makes it very hard to sit at the computer or even my work bench. I hope you can forgive the absence […]
I am just one person who loves to make all kinds of jewelry and who loves to teach and share with others. Those who want to learn and who like to challenge themselves to explore all the wonderful techniques and glorious materials available today. The Alluring Bead Boutique is my Primary outlet for sharing my […]
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