Circular Flat Peyote

Welcome back to Bead Weaving 101. Today we are continuing our study of Peyote Stitch. 

In Flat Peyote Stitch Basics, we defined Peyote Stitch and learned the techniques used for Even and Odd Count Flat Peyote.

Next, we learned how to speed up the Peyote process with Fast Peyote and 2 & 3 Drop Peyote methods for both Odd and Even Count. 

In the last post, Increasing and Decreasing Peyote, we learned how to grow and shrink the bead work to create shapes such as Diagonal Peyote Stitch. 

Before we move on to more dimensional methods of tubular Peyote, we are going to cover how to do the stitch in a round to create flat circular bead work. 

If you need additional help with Flat Peyote, I have the Bead Weaving Basics – Flat Peyote Stitch PDF – 3 Techniques – Even Count, Odd Count and Circular Peyote.

available for a few dollars in The Alluring Bead Boutique Shop. Check out all my Technique Guides, with Step by Step photos and written instructions. 

Circular Peyote is worked in a round much like Tubular Peyote, but the goal is for the work to lay flat like a disc.

This is achieved by increasing the number or size of the beads in the rows as you work outwards. 

The video below demonstrates 2 different styles of Circular Peyote Technique. 

I made the Covered Button on the Bracelet about using a variation of Circular Flat Peyote. 

I used increases from the center to the outer edge of the bead work to fit the button. 

The sides of the bead work are all the same size rows as the outermost of the top cover.

The bottom of the cover is made by decreasing the rows back to the center on the bottom of the button. 

Circular Peyote - Two Techniques

In this video, you will learn two methods for creating Flat Circular Peyote bead work. 

In the first method, I will show you how to create a row of up-beads by “Splitting the Pairs.”

The second method is the traditional peyote method, where you start by picking up the beads for Rows 1 & 2 and close them into a circle. 


Tools and Materials

  • 2 colors of same size seed Beads

  • Size 10 or 11 Beading Needle

  • 2 – 3 feet beading thread 

Round Seed Beads work really well for circular and tubular peyote projects. 

Now that you have familiarized yourself with Flat Circular Peyote, we can move onto Tubular Peyote technique.

In the next post, we will review this technique and talk about many of the variations you can use to create stunning and beautiful beaded ropes and spirals. 

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